Ginevra Labisi

Ginevra Labisi

I am a dedicated person who is passionate about art and I am interested in preserving our cultural heritage. For this reason I based my studies on artistic fields, particularly in History of Art, Archaeology and Restauration.

As such, I aspire to work in the tourism field, where I can use my skills and experience to help customers having high quality experiences.

I possess strong organizational and communication skills, which I have honed through previous administrative and customer-facing roles. In particular, at the National Museum of Archaeology in Malta (during my stage with Move-On project) and while I worked with “Le vie dei Tesori” in Sicily as a Turistic Infopoint Manager.

I have been adept at managing databases, supporting the Museum’s Curator, responding to customer queries in an efficient and friendly manner.


During my previous work experiences I acquired precision, attention to details and communication skills.

I experienced what it means to work as a team and how to handle and deal with customers professionally.

La mia esperienza a Malta

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